Test Center Certification (TCC)

NCTA Certified Test Center Logo

Part of NCTA's mission is "the promotion of professionalism and quality in the administration of testing services and programs." By encouraging self-evaluation and adherence to our professional standards, test center certification is designed to assist test centers in improving their testing processes and their service delivery to examinees. The opportunity to participate in the test center certification process is restricted to NCTA collegiate members. Feel free to review our NCTA Professional Standards for Use in the Certification Process.

Why Become Certified?

  • To provide recognition for your test center and your institution on a local and national scale.
  • To demonstrate mastery of best practices in the testing industry.
  • To assure prospective distance learning students, vendors, and other organizations that your test center’s expertise is confirmed by the leading professional organization in collegiate test administration.
  • For the ability to share the certification experience with your state testing association or other affinity groups.
  • For increased access to useful testing ideas, documentation, and procedures throughout the certification process.
  • For the handsome plaque to be proudly displayed at your test center signifying your accomplishment.
  • Test Center Certification shows outside testing entities that a test center operates under the highest accepted standards and procedures for all types of testing. These groups, therefore, are assured that their testing needs are fully met.
  • To demonstrate continued professional growth through recertification, ensuring your knowledge keeps pace with the rapidly changing field.

Current Certified Centers

More than 200 centers across the United States and Canada have been certified since 2010. See the list of certified centers.