Current NCTA Projects

    1. Online Proctoring Standards
      1. The Online Proctoring Standards is a joint effort between NCTA and Association of Test Publishers (ATP) Project.  The Technical Working Group (TWG) consists of members from both NCTA and ATP.  It is currently working to develop industry standards for Online Proctoring.  Specific sub-groups have been created to write the standards for specific areas of online proctoring.
      2. Project contacts and co-chairs: 
          1. Rachel Schoenig, Cornerstone Strategies ([email protected])
    2. Best Practices for Dealing with Behavioral Irregularities in Test Administration
      1. The Best Practices for Dealing with Behavioral Irregularities in Test Administration Project Committee will work to develop documentation to be used by members as a guideline for what to do when a candidate exhibits inappropriate behavior while testing.  The committee will draw on the numerous member experiences to determine best practices to use is various candidate testing situations. 
      2. Project contact and chair: Marilyn Ortiz, College of DuPage ([email protected])
    3. The Ideal Testing Center
      1. The Ideal Testing Center Project Committee will work to develop a handbook to be used by members and industry colleagues as a guide for developing an ideal testing center.  Specifically, concrete direction for ideal proctor station locations, security measures, acceptable room temperatures, camera locations, staff coverage, etc. Project committee in development. 
      2. Project contact and chair: William Thelen, Central Washington University ([email protected])